We Level Barriers to Justice
Access to Justice Starts Here
We are a national justice education and human rights charity. We work closely with community to advance human rights and remove barriers to equity and justice. We achieve this through programs focused on youth, law students, and the legal sector to inspire leadership, empathy, and inclusion.
Our Programs
Youth Programs
We provide culturally relevant justice education to 650+ Indigenous and Black youth across Canada. We also engage youth in environmental justice education. Our youth programs build trusting relationships between young people and legal mentors to provide inspiration for a bright future.
Law Student Programs
We support 2,000+ law students champion social justice causes and make positive contributions to their communities. We also help law students build impactful careers in law, by connecting them with trailblazing lawyer mentors.
Legal Sector Programs
We help lawyers build empathy and engage in critical self-reflection about personal biases. We also host events for legal professionals to challenge the status quo and offer inspirational solutions to create a justice system that is responsive, balanced and fair.

“We unite the power of community, education, and law for a more equitable and just society.”
— Shelan Markus, Executive Director
Our Impact
Since 2005, we’ve engaged in critical social justice and human rights work to help youth, law students, and lawyers build an empathetic, equitable and responsive justice system.

of program participants reported positive growth.

youth, law students and lawyers supported since our inception.

programs available across the country annually.
What’s Happening at Level
We are excited to announce the official call for applications to the Social Justice Fellowship Program for the 2025-2026 school year. Level Justice is looking for passionate and dedicated Canadian law students to become Social Justice Fellows across the country.
On Friday, February 21st, Level Justice hosted its inaugural Social Justice Summit in Toronto, ON. Level's Social Justice Summit is a one-of-a-kind national forum for Level’s social justice fellows from various law schools to gather and collaborate on their ongoing social justice projects.
On January 29th and 30th, Level was invited by The University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law to participate in the Justice at Work (JAW) Conference and deliver an informational session on our law student programming for all Windsor law students.
This past fall, Level staff had the honour of attending the Allard Social Justice Forum for Peter A. Allard School of Law students in Vancouver, British Columbia
We are excited to announce the appointment of Tasha Stansbury, Level’s new Environmental Justice Program Manager!

Level is recruiting several Program Facilitators to lead justice education sessions during the 2024/25 academic year as part of our Black Youth Justice Program (BYJP).
Shelan Markus, Level's Executive Director, emphasizes the importance of youth engagement in public legal education amidst growing awareness of issues like racial inequality and climate change. She argues that it is essential for students to develop legal literacy and that both the legal profession and educational institutions have a responsibility to support this initiative.
The Blazing Trails Mentorship Program is a program for law students all across Canada looking to connect with lawyers who are passionate about and active in social justice oriented careers. Today, we proudly profile Tersha De Koning.
Level Justice is excited to announce the launch of the Journal of Law Student Scholarship, a publication showcasing the work of law students who have been working at Level for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The Blazing Trails Mentorship Program is a program for law students all across Canada looking to connect with lawyers who are passionate about and active in social justice oriented careers. Today, we proudly profile Brittany Twiss, Assistant Dean at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law.
On May 13th, 2024, the students of York Memorial Collegiate Institute’s grade 12 law class attended a Black Youth Justice Program session. This is the sixth program delivery of BYJP in the country this year.
The Blazing Trails Mentorship Program is a program for law students all across Canada looking to connect with lawyers who are passionate about and active in social justice oriented careers. Today, we proudly profile Ajith Thiyagalingam, a lawyer specializing in refugee, immigration law, and international human rights law.
On March 7, 2024, Level hosted its annual Facing Resistance Speaker Series (FRSS) event on the. topic of Climate Resilience and Environmental Justice This year marked Level’s very first FRSS event in Vancouver, BC.
Read about our 2023-2024 school year updates for the Blazing Trails Mentorship Program.
Volunteer for the Environmental Program and work with youth in your area and nationally!
Promote environmental justice and take action by working with youth!
Get involved with Indigenous youth in your area and beyond to create a better tomorrow!
Volunteer for the Indigenous Youth Outreach Program at Level today!
Level is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with Canadian National Railway (CN). CN has committed $300,000 over the next five years (2023-208) to further the culturally relevant justice education and mentorship provided to Indigenous youth through the Indigenous Youth Outreach Program (IYOP) at Level.
Level is excited to announce our funding partnership with Thomson Reuters. This partnership will support Level’s mission of providing social justice and access to justice focused education and training to law students across Canada.
The Blazing Trails Mentorship Program is a program for law students all across Canada looking to connect with lawyers who are passionate about and active in social justice oriented careers. Curious to find out what it’s like? Read about mentor lawyer Tersha De Koning’s experience.
Level’s Social Justice Fellow from Queen’s University - Faculty of Law, Kayla O’Brien, produces an infographic as part of her Fellowship Project. The infograohic discusses education and digital literacy as rehabilitation.
On April 21st, 2023, the students of Emery Collegiate’s Law class enjoyed a field trip to the offices of Level’s Premier Partner, McCarthy Tétrault, in Toronto.
We are excited to announce the appointment of Desneige Frandsen, Level’s new Indigenous Youth & Environment Program Manager!
We are proud to announce our Premier Partnership with McCarthy Tétrault in support of Black & Indigenous youth.
The wait is over! Level is thrilled to announce the appointment of our new Social Justice Program Manager, Fatima Ahmed, effective May 30, 2022.

“Indifference is injustice’s incubator; it’s not just what you stand for, it’s what you stand up for; and we can never forget how the world looks to those who are vulnerable.”
— The Honourable Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella (Commencement Speech to Brandeis University Graduates on May 22, 2017)
Our Supporters
McCarthy Tétrault
Department of Canadian Heritage
Department of Justice Canada
TD Bank
Law Foundation of Ontario
Law Foundation of Saskatchewan
Law Foundation of British Columbia
Law Foundation of Manitoba
Ottawa Community Foundation
Canadian National Railway