Level Launches the Journal of Law Student Scholarship
Level Justice is excited to announce the launch of the Journal of Law Student Scholarship (JLSS), a publication showcasing the work of law students who have been working at Level for the 2023-2024 academic year. This publication was primarily created to showcase scholarship developed during Level’s Social Justice Fellowship Program (SJFP). As part of the program, Level recruited, trained, and funded seventeen law students who worked on social justice projects of their own designs. The following scholarship is a result of their efforts over the 2023-2024 school year. Level is proud to present their work in this current academic publication. We would further like to thank Thomson Reuters for their contributions to the program.
Law students attend a workshop organized by McGill Law Fellows on March 18, 2024 in Montréal, QC.
The JLSS currently features nine publications, representing a total nine social justice projects by social justice fellows from universities such as Western Law, Windsor Law, Lincoln Alexander School of Law, University of Saskatchewan Law, University of McGill Law, University of Ottawa Law, Thompson Rivers University Law, and Université de Montréal Law. The publications address a wide variety of legal topics and generate integral resources which can be accessed at no cost by the legal profession.
Level Justice staff attending the Justice at Work career conference to discuss the social justice projects at Windsor Law on January 31, 2024 in Windsor, ON.
The inaugural edition of the Journal of Law Student Scholarship is available now on Level’s website. To read more about each project and access the publication, please click here. If you’re interested in the Social Justice Fellowship Program and want to become a social justice fellow, we are currently recruiting in select law schools. Please find details of the position here.