@CdnLawyersAbrd: 2014 - A Year in Review

You may have caught some of these popular tweets in 2014 - #PolarVortex, #Sochi2014, #WorldCup, #MH370, #IceBucketChallenge, #TOpoli, #TaylorSwift1989, but have you followed what @CdnLawyersAbrd has been up to? If not, this is your chance!

It’s been a successful year for Canadian Lawyers Abroad (CLA), which is primarily due to our spectacular network of volunteers and their enthusiasm for using law to improve lives. Here’s the scoop…

National Student Chapter Program:

CLA’s Student Chapter Program encourages law students to use their legal training to make a difference. The motto is “Learn, Think, Do!” and each year we pick a new socio-legal issue for our students to tackle. In 2013-14, our Chapters focused on raising awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility in the Extractive Industry, successfully hosting panel discussions, conferences, and documentary film festivals throughout the school year.

In this academic year, we have Chapters at 15 law schools across Canada learning about and engaging their communities on “Refugee Rights.” In October 2014, Student Chapter representatives from across Canada travelled to our nation’s capital for CLA’s two-day conference on ‘access to justice for refugees’ at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law.

Students had the opportunity to learn about refugee issues from esteemed experts, including Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International. In Mr. Neve’s keynote address, he highlighted the root causes behind a refugee’s decision to leave home, and advocated for policies that place refugees at the heart of legislation rather than punishment and deterrence.

Students also learned about “Careers in International Law and Social Justice” at HUB Ottawa. Jayne Stoyles, Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for International Justice, John McManus, Counsel for Justice Canada, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section, and Catherine McKenna, Co-Founder of CLA and Liberal Party of Canada Candidate for Ottawa-Centre provided our students with insightful and practical career advice (advocating for students to remember why they went to law school).

CLA was delighted by the enthusiasm and engagement of the Student Chapter representatives from across Canada, who also had excellent things to say about their experience. For example, James Hsu, CLA Chapter President at the University of British Columbia, commented:

“The 2014 Leadership Training was a valuable experience on many levels. The various workshops and lectures from leading academics and lawyers in the field of Refugee Rights was helpful in further identifying key areas of interest to take back to my chapter at UBC. The training also helped me appreciate the national reach of the charity; I had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with chapter presidents from 12 other law schools. It was such a rush to realize how many intelligent, kind and fun people are working together for a common goal. I am thankful to CLA for the opportunity to attend such a great event!”

Our Chapters are now hard at work promoting the rights of refugees in their communities. Click here for more information about our Student Chapter Program and to hear more from our students.

Thank you to our Student Programs sponsors E-L Financial Ltd. Corp. and the University of Ottawa for your generous support.  

A special thanks also goes to CLA’s Director of Student Chapters, Ahsin Rafi, and our Director of Student Internships, Sephra Smith, for your hard work and dedication to CLA.

International Student Internship Program:

Through our Summer Internship Program, CLA has provided 130 law students with in-the-field learning experiences with grassroots organizations throughout Canada, Africa, Asia and South America. Our students engage in projects that range from enforcing women’s rights, prosecuting crimes against humanity, representing low income clients at legal clinics, promoting environmental sustainability, and supporting the work of Aboriginal communities.

In 2014, CLA partnered with the following incredible organizations: ECPAT International in Bangkok, Federation of Women Lawyers-Kenya in Nairobi, International Commission of Jurists-Kenya in Nairobi, Centre for Democratic Development-Ghana in Accra, Beyond Borders in Ottawa, Avocats Sans Frontiers in Quebec City, Mikisew Cree First Nation in Fort McMurray, Yukon River Intertribal Watershed Council in Whitehorse and Alaska, Yukon Human Rights Commission in Whitehorse, Law Society of Nunavut in Iqaluit, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. in Iqaluit, and Chiefs of Ontario in Toronto.

We are delighted to announce that in 2015, CLA will welcome new partnerships with the Legal Assistance Centre in Namibia, the Center for Justice and International Law in Washington, DC, Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust in Dhaka, the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women in Bangkok, and the Yukon Conservation Society in Whitehorse.

CLA is proud to offer law students these important beyond the classroom learning experiences:

“Working at the Commission gave me the opportunity to see administrative law and human rights law in action. Although I had studied both areas of law in school, it was a refreshing opportunity to see a concrete incarnation of both the principles and the procedures. Apart from the legislative framework and legal processes, I also learned about the subtle yet crucial “human” elements in between…” - Sandra Gaballa (Université de Montréal), Yukon Human Rights Commission in Whitehorse.

See more reflections from the field here.

Students at Canadian law schools with an active Student Chapter that are interested in applying for a CLA internship should refer to our website for the full list of opportunities in the Summer of 2015. Applications are due on January 31, 2015.

National Dare to Dream Program:

Dare to Dream is an innovative justice education and mentorship program for Canada's First Nation, Metis and Inuit youth aged 11-14. In short, the program aims to positively transform Aboriginal youth’s perception of the justice system through fun learning opportunities (like a criminal mock trial) and meaningful interaction with legal professionals.

With the support of our program partner, @OJEN_ROEJ, and sponsors RBC Foundation, GE Capital, Law Foundation of Ontario, McMillan LLP, Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP, as well as the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan, CLA is supporting and empowering Aboriginal youth in Toronto, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Calgary and the Siksika Nation!

“Dare to Dream is a terrific program, which I have no doubt will create new dreams in the students and I have every confidence that some of them will take it to heart. They are special young people and deserve the chance to go anywhere they want to in life. I believe they will. A big Chi Miigwetch to them and all the generous volunteers." – The Honourable Justice Harry LaForme, Ontario Court of Appeal.

See more Dare to Dream endorsements here. If you haven’t done so already, please watch our Dare to Dream promo video created by the amazing @NizamStudios

Thank you to our Program Coordinators: Fallon Melander (Toronto), Ashley King (Ottawa), Kurtis MacDonald (Saskatoon), and Dana Martin (Calgary & Siksika), and to our volunteers whose support makes the Dare to Dream program possible!

‘Rights of Spring’ Fundraising Event:

On May 29, 2014, the SHAMBA foundation hosted CLA’s 4th annual “Rights of Spring” cocktail party and 10 Year Anniversary Celebration. We welcomed approximately 150 members of Toronto’s legal and business communities to ‘Rights of Spring’ to celebrate CLA’s work and achievements over the past decade.

Yasmin Shaker and Catherine McKenna, CLA’s co-founders, spoke movingly about transforming CLA from just an idea and domain name to an international NGO that has provided legal support to over 30 organizations in 10 countries! The diverse crowd of professionals created an ideal atmosphere to reflect on CLA’s past and generate momentum for the future.

Thanks to our event partner the SHAMBA Foundation, and our event sponsors FTI Consulting, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, McMillan LLP, Flat Armadillo Society, Torys LLP, and Chitiz Pathak LLP, for making ‘Rights of Spring’ a success.

We would also like to thank our event media sponsors ZSA Recruitment and Precedent Magazine, and our in-kind sponsors Blaney McMurtry LLP, WeirFoulds LLP, Aird & Berlis LLP, and the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club.

What’s next for in 2015:

CLA is thrilled to announce we will be launching a new brand in the New Year! We have had the amazing opportunity to work with @TraffikGroup to engage CLA’s community and develop a new identity that captures our mission and diverse work in Canada and abroad. This is a very big and exciting milestone in CLA’s history and we will be counting on your support through the transition.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates about the new brand, programming and opportunities to get involved.

I would like to thank CLA’s Advisory Board and Board of Directors, including Monique Moreau, Catherine McKenna, Jennifer Guerard, Susan Spence, and Alix Dostal, for your support and guidance throughout 2014.

Thank you also to our IT Specialist Matt Ramsden and CLA supporters Nicole Walton and Johnna Van Parys.

Wishing you and yours all the best for the holidays!
















2015 CLA Internship Application Guide


2014 Student Chapter Conference