2014 Student Chapter Conference

On October 17th and 18th, Student Chapter representatives from across Canada travelled to Ottawa for CLA's two-day conference on our annual Chapter theme, "Refugee Rights".

I'm thrilled to announce that the conference was a huge success, which was due in large part, to the enthusiasm, energy and engagement of our Chapter representatives. We would also like to thank our Student Program sponsors, E-L Financial Ltd. and the University of Ottawa, for your generous support.

CLA is dedicated to encouraging law students to use their legal training to make a difference. Our Student Chapter Program motto is “Learn, Think, Do!” and our student conference is instrumental in helping students to do just that. Each year, Chapters organize events to raise awareness and engage their fellow law students about important legal issues. The Fall conference provides student representatives with information and ideas, the learning and thinking, that they can take back to their Chapters to help them “do”. Click here to learn more about CLA’s Student Chapter Program.

Students had the opportunity to learn about Refugee Rights from a very impressive list of  speakers. Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International, delivered the keynote address. He spoke about the root causes behind a refugee's decision to leave home, and advocated for refugee policies that place refugees at the heart of legislation, rather than punishment and deterrence.

Alex Neve (Secretary General of Amnesty International) with Ahsin Rafi (CLA Director of Student Chapters)

Alex Neve (Secretary General of Amnesty International) with Ahsin Rafi (CLA Director of Student Chapters)

Our speakers also included Professor Jennifer Bond from the University of Ottawa, who gave students a useful overview of the current issues facing refugees in Canada and in other parts of the world. Arghavan Gerami, Managing Director of Gerami Law Professional Corporation, described the access to justice issues that refugee claimants are faced with when they apply for refugee status. In addition, Professor Nicole Laviolette from the University of Ottawa spoke about the rights of LGBTQ refugees and the practical realities that exist for refugee claimants that are part of sexual minority groups.  

Arghavan Gerami, Gerami Law Professional Corporation

Arghavan Gerami, Gerami Professional Corporation

We also heard from Dr. Can D. Le, the Commissioner of External Affairs of the Viatnamese Canadian Federation, who spoke about his incredible advocacy work for "Project 4000" and "Freedom at Last" and educated students about the "Boat People" Refugee Crisis.  Peter Showler, Co-Chair of the Advocacy Committee of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, gave students an in depth overview of the recent changes that have been made to Canada's Refugee determination system. His presentation was followed by an interactive activity in which our students participated in a "Refugee Determination Activity" with Emily Bates, the Director of the University of Ottawa Refugee Assistance Project.  This presentation allowed students to engage in a practical simulation of how a claimant's refugee status is determined. Each presenter spoke about the importance and complexity of Refugee Rights from their individual perspectives which created an engaging learning environment for our students.

Emily Bates, University of Ottawa Refugee Assistance Program

Emily Bates, University of Ottawa Refugee Assistance Program & Peter Showler, Co-Chair of the Advocacy Committee of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers

Our students also learned about “Careers in International Law and Social Justice” at HUB Ottawa. Jayne Stoyles, executive director of the Canadian Centre for International Justice spoke about the opportunities available to new lawyers with her organization. John G. J. McManus, Counsel for Justice Canada, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section gave us inspirational advice about how students should remember why they want to law school and pursue that throughout their law school career.  Finally, Catherine McKenna, Co-Founder of CLA,  Liberal Party of Canada Candidate for Ottawa-Centre and Lecturer at the University of Toronto,  Munk School of Global Affairs, spoke about her experiences as an international lawyer and provided our students with smart and practical career advice.

Panel on "Careers in International Law and Social Justice" with Catherine Mckenna, Jayne Stoyles, John G.J. McManus and Brittany Twiss

Panel on "Careers in International Law and Social Justice" with Catherine Mckenna, Jayne Stoyles, John G.J. McManus and Brittany Twiss

CLA is very grateful to all of our speakers and to the University of Ottawa & HUB Ottawa for being such great hosts!


CLA representatives and other  law students from the  University of Ottawa attending our panel on "Careers in International Law and Social Justice"

Our students also had an opportunity to take in the sites in Ottawa and took a tour at the Supreme Court of Canada!

CLA  representatives at the Supreme Court of Canada

CLA  representatives at the Supreme Court of Canada

Student Chapter Representatives outside Parliament Hill

CLA representatives outside Parliament Hill

Here's what our Chapter Presidents had to say about their experience:

Jessica Firestone (Queens University) 

"I am so pleased to have attended this year’s CLA Chapter Training. It was an incredible opportunity to learn about refugee rights from reputable, knowledgeable academics and practitioners in the field. They discussed interesting topics, such as access to justice for refugees and refugee rights for sexual minorities. I was able to share lots of information with my chapter members upon return to Queen's. It was also a pleasure to meet the other CLA Chapter Presidents. I enjoyed learning about important issues with like-minded people and discussing new ideas to bring back to our respective schools."

Natasha Lombardi (Queens University) 

"The 2014 CLA Chapter Training was an amazing opportunity to learn more about this year’s theme, Refugee Rights, and to connect with other Chapter presidents. Hearing from engaging speakers about the main issues faced by refugees, both in Canada and globally, was highly informative. Particularly, learning of how recent Canadian legislative reforms has affected refugees and the steps being taken by legal groups to affect change in refugee rights was interesting and valuable. We have since shared our knowledge with the Queen’s Chapter and are excited to engage our members on these important international issues."

James Hsu (University of British Columbia) 

"The 2014 Leadership Training was a valuable experience on many levels. The various workshops and lectures from leading academics and lawyers in the field of Refugee Rights was helpful in further identifying key areas of interest to take back to my chapter at UBC. The training also helped me appreciate the national reach of the charity; I had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with chapter presidents from twelve other law schools. It was such a rush to realize how many intelligent, kind and fun people are working together for a common goal. I am thankful to CLA for the opportunity to attend such a great event!"

Heelan Kwon (University of Ottawa) 

"The Student Chapter Leadership Training for 2014-2015 was precisely the framework and impetus needed to face the coming year with full force. The dynamic and engaging panel discussions and group exercises were ones we hope to emulate with our own campuses throughout the year. It was an incredible honour and pleasure to meet the mosaic of professors, speakers and panelists and be inspired by their passion and testimonies. The rare chance to meet other amazing students serving as student chapter leaders across Canada forged a deeper sense of unity. We leave with the knowledge that we are never alone in both the challenge and success for which Canadian Lawyers Abroad stands. Thank you to the diligent staff and executives who made this amazing weekend possible!"

Jeneba Stewart (University of Calgary) 

The CLA Conference was a great opportunity to engage in a dialogue about furthering the participation and involvement of CLA in Law Schools across the country. I was able to learn a lot about Refugee Rights, even over the short duration of the conference, and I look forward to using this knowledge to motivate the CLA chapter here at the University of Calgary."

Emilia Coto (University of Windsor) 

"I appreciated the advice at the international law career panel - 'Don't get distracted. Remember why you came to law school and what you pictured yourself doing and pursue that.' "

Alexa Rahal (Université de Montréal)

"The 2014 CLA conference in Ottawa was probably one of the most enriching experiences I have had in law school so far. Attendees were privileged to listen and meet world renown experts in the field of refugee law. Their speeches were not only interesting but inspiring and empowering. They inspired us to seek different avenues of law, many of which most of students ignored or knew little about. Furthermore, my experience in Ottawa allowed me to meet and connect with other members of the CLA student chapters across Canada. It was both refreshing and reassuring to be able to speak with other law students about our shared struggles and perspectives, making us fast friends. Many thanks to our wonderful organizers, it was an experience I would truly repeat any time!"

Ermina Delalic (University of Manitoba) 

"The Refugee Rights Conference has given me the opportunity to think critically and to remind those around us about the ongoing struggle of millions of refugees around the world. It has reminded me that the issues facing the displaced millions are our issues.”

Ramneet Sierra (Thompson Rivers University) 

"The Refugees and International Human Rights Conference enlightened me about the legal and social barriers that refugees face when coming to Canada. Being surrounded by other individuals who are interested in international law and human rights made the atmosphere even more enjoyable and engaging!"

Jordyn Allan (University of Saskatchewan) 

"The 2015 CLA Refugee Rights Conference was an amazing and jam packed experience. It exceeded any expectations I had going into it and I truly left the weekend with a confidence and positive energy to take back to my University of Saskatchewan CLA Chapter. Not only did I learn about refugee rights, I also met new friends from across Canada, gained valuable information about careers in international law and networked with very influential key note speakers.

Personally however (without getting sappy!), I think the biggest takeaway for me was meeting the CLA staff, Brittany, Ahsin and Sephra. They work so hard to make CLA the remarkable club it is and it was amazing to see them in action. They are so personable and friendly and during individual one on one talks, each of them gave me advice and guidance that I will take will me throughout the rest of law school and into my future career."


John McMamus, Jayne Stoyles, Catherine McKenna, Brittany Twiss, Ahsin Rafi & Sephra Smith

Moving Forward

Our chapter representatives have returned to their schools and have hit the ground running with the invaluable insight  they gained from this conference. We look forward to seeing the many exciting activities and events they take on in the coming year and what they do with their experiences here in Ottawa. It’s going to be a great year!


@CdnLawyersAbrd: 2014 - A Year in Review


October 2014 CLA-ACE Internship Program Update!