We’re Recruiting: Social Justice Fellows
Level’s Social Justice Fellows presenting their work at the Social Justice Summit in Toronto, February 2025.
We are excited to announce our call for applications to the Social Justice Fellowship Program (“SJFP”) for the 2025-2026 school year. Level Justice is looking for passionate and dedicated law students to become Social Justice Fellows across the country. This is an exciting opportunity for those interested in social justice careers to explore issues that are important to them, develop experience in the field, and become better advocates.
Position: Social Justice Fellow
Term: September 2025 – April 2026
Pay: Stipend provided
Locations: Recruitment is open for law schools across Canada
What is a Social Justice Fellow?
Level's Social Justice Fellows ("Fellows") are advocates looking to champion a social justice cause in their localities. They work closely with Level to plan a high-caliber project, carry out the project over the school year, and realize it to its highest impact.
By engaging in SJFP, Fellows have the opportunity to learn about social justice issues, engage their campuses, perform outreach to the broader community, refine their skills, and become better advocates for social justice.
Level will be appointing two (2) Fellows per law school who will be working together throughout the program.
What is the Social Justice Fellowship Program?
The program’s main objective is for each pair to execute one (1) self-directed social justice project during the school year. To that end, we provide Fellows with a stipend*, funding, training, connections, and guidance to execute the project to a high-caliber. The projects must be written research, policy, or advocacy reports and revolve around Level’s social justice theme of the year.
Fellows must:
1) Attend virtual training workshops at the beginning of the fellowship to prepare for the upcoming school year.**
2) Plan their project to be either a research, policy, or advocacy report in line with the theme and under Level’s guidance.
3) Conduct outreach to legal organizations or legal experts in their chosen area to maximize awareness and impact.
4) Submit a high-caliber written deliverable - whether a research, policy, or advocacy report - at the end of the program.
*The stipend offered to each fellow depends on the funding secured each year and therefore, a specific number is not yet confirmed. In the 2024-2025 school year, each fellow received a $1,000.00 CAD stipend to participate in the program.
**Training will take place virtually on 27th and 28th of September, tentatively. Attendance is mandatory and fellows must be free to participate.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted via email as per the instructions below. It is highly encouraged that applications be submitted in pairs. In special circumstances, solo applications may be accepted.
This year’s theme: Improving Legal Education and the Legal Profession.
To apply, please email us with the following:
i) A cover letter of two (2) pages maximum explaining:
(a) Why you are interested in the fellowship; and
(b) Your project proposal.
ii) Each applicant’s resume.
Submit your application to Fatima Ahmed, Social Justice Program Manager, at fatima@leveljustice.org by Friday, April 25th, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Please save and attach the file in one (1) PDF, labelled as “Last Name of Applicant 1_Last Name of Applicant 2_LevelJustice.”
Example: “Dho_Curtis_LevelJustice”
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Only candidates appointed as fellows will be contacted. Requests for interviews may be sent out, should they be deemed necessary.