The Student Program Year is Underway!

We are well into fall and the transition into our new name Level has gone smoothly – with activities and events across all of Level’s vibrant Law Student Programs ramping up.

We are well into fall and the transition into our new name Level has gone smoothly – with activities and events across all of Level’s vibrant Law Student Programs ramping up.

Canadian Chapters

Level manages fourteen Canadian Chapters in law schools across the country. From Vancouver to Halifax, Chapters have elected new executives, hosted recruiting events and introduction events and are now busy into the planning stages for larger events in the new year. New for this year, Chapters now have the opportunity to take ownership over their community engagement by organizing and hosting a premiere event in their local area around the annual theme.

The 2015 theme for our Canadian Chapters is "exploitation, forced labour and human trafficking"

A particularly hard hitting topic, this year's theme ranges in scope from the international commercial sexual exploitation of women and children to the plight of migrant workers forced to endure grueling labour conditions here in Canada. This is a complex area of law that requires more research to be done and awareness raised in order to protect those vulnerable to exploitation.

Initial ideas for premiere events that have crossed the Director of Law Student Programs' desk include: a panel discussion filled with experts across a range of training and specializations, a very distinguished guest speaker, and a coordinated event with a related international law club on campus featuring an all day educational workshop. Already, Chapters have held meetings, bake sales and various other preliminary events to raise awareness of both Level's mandates and goals, and the annual theme.

Again this year, we are proud to have the Université de Montreal Level Chapter putting in the hours and efforts to collect, edit and publish a journal of articles on the annual theme - it promises to be yet another outstanding publication!

Global Internships

The feedback from the 2015 summer interns and host organizations is in:

Level Global Internships are a valued, valuable and essential opportunity to learn about and assist social justice and human rights organizations and issues in both Canada and abroad.

This past summer, interns worked on an incredible range of legal and social justice research projects. From imagining and planning an entire hypothetical test case surrounding a migrant worker from Bangledesh who was trafficked to Jordan, to learning and prepping legal documents on the duty to consult First Nations groups, to attending summits, conferences and meetings, to spearheading innovative social justice awareness initiatives – the interns were kept busy, and absolutely engaged in the operations and mandates of their host organizations.

Host organizations described Level interns as “invaluable,” “hard-working,” “knowledgeable,” and “essential” contributions to both their projects and daily operations. Interns were noted for their enthusiasm, creativity, maturity and adaptability, and host organizations thanked Level for facilitating and managing the internship program.

We are excited to maintain many of our current internship placements as resources permit, and are also looking forward to establishing new host partnerships and internship opportunities.

Stay tuned to the website as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts for Announcements re: Level Canadian Chapter’s Premiere Events at Canadian Law Schools Across the Country in the New Year!  

@leveljustice    #levelglobalinternships    #levelchapters 


Welcome to Level, the evolution of Canadian Lawyers Abroad.


Calgary and Siksika Dare to Dream Volunteer Training Event