Reflections from Bangkok: A CLA Intern Reports

Just in time for the long weekend, our first intern guest blogger, Lara Green from Dalhousie's Schulich School of Law, reports from Bangkok, Thailand!  Check out her experience with ECPAT below:

It has now been one and a half wonderful months that I have been interning at ECPAT here in Thailand. ECPAT International is a global network of individuals and organizations in over 70 countries around the world that is committed to ending the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) – including child prostitution, child pornography, child trafficking for sexual purposes and child sex tourism. Thanks to Canadian Lawyers Abroad, I am interning with the Legal Team at the International Secretariat of ECPAT for the summer!

The Legal Team has been feverishly working on producing the 2nd Edition of the Agenda for Action Reports. These monitoring reports examine the situation of CSEC in countries around the world and assess the efforts, laws and policies in place to protect children from commercial sexual exploitation. Having just completed the first draft of an Agenda for Action report (or A4A as we call them!) for Bulgaria, I can attest to the extensive amount of research, work and time that is put into each of these comprehensive documents.  I have now begun my second A4A, for Poland, which I hope to complete before leaving this fantastic organization and team. By providing the global/national context of CSEC and highlighting the legislative/policy gaps, the A4A reports inform advocacy efforts and can be used as a tool for holding governments accountable for the protection of children’s rights – making them a valuable instrument for promoting good governance and rule of law.


At work in the ECPAT office!

Anyone reading this can understand the anger, sadness, frustration and shock that I experience when I read about the sexual exploitation and abuse of children that is happening all around the world. Therefore, contributing to the work that ECPAT is doing to end this cruelty is immensely rewarding and motivating - and the passion and dedication of the team working here at ECPAT to protect children’s rights is inspiring!  I have learned so much from this experience that I know will shape the direction law school takes me in the coming years. Through the process of analyzing laws and policies for these reports, I have been reminded of the importance, impact and potential of the law - renewing my motivation for going to law school: to utilize the power of the law to help protect and promote human rights. This internship has reaffirmed my commitment to use my legal education to contribute to the vital work that organizations such as ECPAT are doing to tackle such critical and pressing social issues around the world.

(Oh – and living amidst the bustle, heat, excitement, culture and food of Bangkok has also been amazing!!).



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