Meet Level's New Program Manager - Youth Outreach, Caitlin MacDonald!

Dear Friends of Level,

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of our new Program Manager - Youth Outreach, Caitlin MacDonald, effective September 12, 2019.

Caitlin is passionate about empowering young people to build equity and promote social justice. She has worked for a range of global non-profit organizations where she developed unique experience in education, human rights and communications. Most recently, Caitlin worked at the Mosaic Institute where she led the organization’s high-school social justice education program for students in Tkarón:to/Toronto on Dish With One Spoon Wampum Covenant Territory. In this role, Caitlin worked with students from marginalized groups to build a deeper understanding of equity and justice and provide them with the tools to drive social change in their communities. In this capacity, she had the opportunity to work closely with Indigenous communities to educate settler students about issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada, and their role in advancing reconciliation.

Caitlyn approaches her work with respect and humility ensuring that programming is community-led and collaborative. Caitlin holds a Masters in Conflict Studies from the London School of Economics where she focused her research on education as a tool for reconciliation in conflict.

We are excited to welcome Caitlin to Level and are confident that her experience and enthusiasm in empowering young people will enable her to take Level's youth outreach programming to heights.

Please feel free to join us in welcoming Caitlin to our team.

Shelan Markus



Level's 2018 Annual Report


Meet Level's New Executive Director, Shelan Markus!