How you can support the fight against anti-Black Racism in Canada

This past week has been extraordinarily tough on many levels. Recent events offer a painful reminder of the systemic racism and injustice faced by Black and Indigenous communities in their daily lives. This is nothing new, nor is it an American problem. Systemic racism and injustice are prevalent in Canada as well. Both as individuals and as an organization, we share in the hurt and anger.


This past week has been extraordinarily tough on many levels. Recent events offer a painful reminder of the systemic racism and injustice faced by Black and Indigenous communities in their daily lives. This is nothing new, nor is it an American problem. Systemic racism and injustice are entrenched in Canadian society as well. Both as individuals and as an organization, we share in the hurt and anger.


Since Level’s inception, we have fought to increase equitable access to justice, disrupt prejudice, and dismantle discrimination of marginalized communities. Our focus is to reflect and educate ourselves, our organization and the legal community on how we can support and stand in solidarity. Our goal is to listen with respect and compassion, to build bridges and a more empathetic legal profession and ultimately transform the legal system so that it serves the people who need it most.  


While our work focuses primarily on improving access to justice for Indigenous communities in Canada, we will also take action to stand in solidarity with Black communities and organizations in Canada:


  1. We will share content and information about how to prevent individual and systemic anti-Black racism in Canada.
  2. We will amplify Black-focused organizations that seek to disrupt and transform Canada’s justice system.
  3. We will continue to unlearn and relearn as individuals and as an organization.


If you are looking for ways to support now and in the future, here are some Canadian organizations that focus on justice and health for Black communities. As well, do your research and make an effort to understand how you can combat anti-Black racism in Canada. 



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