Canadian Lawyers Abroad celebrates 10 years of using law to improve lives at our 4th annual “Rights of Spring” event…
On May 29, 2014, the SHAMBA foundation hosted CLA’s 4th annual “Rights of Spring” cocktail party. I am excited to announce that it was CLA’s biggest and most successful fundraiser to date!
Let me begin by thanking our event sponsors: FTI Consulting, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, McMillan LLP, Flat Armadillo Society, Torys LLP, and Chitiz Pathak LLP, and our media sponsors ZSA Recruitment and Precedent Magazine. With your incredible support, we welcomed approximately 150 members of Toronto’s legal and business communities to “Rights of Spring” to celebrate CLA’s work and achievements over the past decade. It was a beautiful night with a diverse crowd of professionals, creating a perfect atmosphere to reflect on the organization’s past and generate momentum for CLA’s future.
Yasmin Shaker and Catherine McKenna, CLA’s co-founders, spoke movingly about transforming CLA from just an idea and domain name to an international NGO that has provided legal support to over 30 organizations in 10 countries. I had the pleasure of highlighting CLA’s accomplishments, including the expansion of our Student Chapter Program to 16 law schools across Canada where we engage and educate students on pressing social justice issues. I also spoke about our Internship Program, through which, CLA has provided 110 law students with in-the-field learning experiences with grassroots organizations throughout Canada, Africa, Southeast Asia and South America.
Joan Vanduzer, Jide Falodi, Sharla Niroopan, and Chizoba Imoka
CLA has also formed strategic partnerships over the years to promote equality and access to justice in Canada. Recently, CLA launched an innovative justice education and mentorship program for First Nation, Metis and Inuit youth – “Dare to Dream.” At the event, we premiered our new promo video, created by the amazing @NizamStudios, which captures our vision for Aboriginal youth in Canada.
CLA also made another important announcement – we are rebranding! We are very fortunate to have a fabulous marketing agency in Toronto, Traffik Group, leading us through a rebranding process that will enable CLA to adapt and better reflect the important work we do in Canada and abroad. We will be relying on your support now more than ever as we transition into this exciting new phase of CLA’s development.
Laura Simhoni, Hannah Riding and Laura Stradiotto from Traffik Group
We are very grateful to everyone who made our “Rights of Spring” event a success including our extraordinary event partner and host, SHAMBA foundation, Root Cellar Juicery for the delicious food, Steam Whistle Brewery and Iceberg Vodka for the refreshments, Elaine Charal for her astute hand-writing analysis skills, and Shots and Giggles for the entertaining photo booth. In addition, we would like to thank Blaney McMurtry LLP, WeirFoulds LLP, Aird & Berlis LLP, the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club, Sultan’s Tent, and Starbucks for your generous door prize donations.
Nizam Ahmed (@NizamStudios) and Ameena Bajar
A special thanks also goes to CLA’s long-time supporters who attended the event including Duncan Jackman (E-L Financial Corp. Ltd.) and Jeff Rogers (McMillan LLP). I would also like to express my gratitude to our staff, volunteers and Board members for your time and commitment to CLA. In particular, I am very grateful to Laura Morrison, Jenny Prosser, Ahsin Rafi, Khorshid Rad, Fallon Melander, Dana Martin, Aaron Christoff, Sharla Niroopan, Marlene Yellow Horn, Shane Cunningham, Bruce Dobbin, Monique Moreau, Jen Guerard, Alix Dostal, Yasmin Shaker, Susan Spence, Catherine McKenna, and our IT genius Matt Ramsden.
Finally, on behalf of Canadian Lawyers Abroad, I would like to thank our program sponsors for believing in CLA and supporting our mission to use law to improve lives.

For more photos from "Rights of Spring" see Precedent Magazine's profile here, or check out the hilarious photo booth pics below.