2013 Student Chapter Leadership Training

On October 24 and 25, 2013, CLA’s Student Chapter Presidents and representatives traveled to Ottawa for CLA’s intensive two-day leadership training and to learn about our annual Chapter theme, "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Extractive Industry."


So what was it all about?


CLA is dedicated to encouraging law students to use their legal training to make a difference. Our Student Chapter Program motto is "Learn, Think, Do!" and our Leadership Training is instrumental in helping students to do just that. Each year, Chapters organize events to raise awareness and engage their fellow law students about important legal issues. Our Leadership Training provides student representatives with information and ideas, the learning and thinking, that they can take back to their Chapters to help them "Do". Click here to learn more about CLA's Student Chapter Program.


This year, students had the opportunity to learn about CSR from Patricia Peña, Director General for Thematic and Sectoral Policy, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development; Catherine Coumans, Research Coordinator, Mining Watch Canada; and Craig Benjamin, Campaigner for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Amnesty International. Each presenter spoke about the importance and complexity of CSR from their individual perspectives which created an excellent learning environment and discussion.


Our students also learned about "Careers in International Law and Social Justice" at Amnesty International's National Office. Sarah Kambites, Director of Education and International Programmes, United Nations Association in Canada, spoke about the opportunities available to new lawyers with the United Nations across the globe. Karen Restoule, Justice Portfolio, Chiefs of Ontario, spoke about her inspiring career path and the importance of building relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. Lastly, Catherine McKenna, Co-Founder of CLA, Executive Director of the Banff Forum, and lecturer at the Munk School of Global Affairs, spoke about her experiences as an international lawyer and provided our students with smart and practical career advice.


CLA is very grateful to all of our speakers and to the University of Ottawa and Amnesty International for being such great hosts!

But why take our word for it?

The 2013 Leadership Training was a great couple of days and the CLA team is thrilled with the level of enthusiasm and engagement displayed by our students. However, given that our Chapter Program is first and foremost about our students, we thought it would be better to have some of them share their thoughts on the event.

Rebecca Critchley, Dalhousie: “A shot in the arm”

"The best way for me to describe the 2013 Leadership Training is as a pick-me up, a shot in the arm that reminded me why I enjoy international law so much. Halifax is relatively sheltered from the international scene, and it is easy to push what is happening elsewhere to the back of one’s mind.  Attending the training was a good way to break out of that cocoon. It was very informative to be able to explore CSR in greater detail and pick the brains of very engaged and enthusiastic people, both my peers and those who work in the industry. It was refreshing to be able to hear from various players, and to get a wider range of opinions, which is something we will be attempting to replicate at the Dalhousie Chapter events. The training session was a great event, and I am very pleased to have been able to attend."

Lindsay Burgess, University of Alberta: “Instrumental”

"The 2013 CLA-ACE leadership training was instrumental in providing the background and resources needed to kick off our Chapter’s year of programming at the University of Alberta. Not only did I have the opportunity to meet many great people, the passionate guest speakers provided valuable knowledge about CSR and the extractive industry that I have since been able to share with the Chapter. Brainstorming with other Chapter leaders also provided ideas that we have since utilized. Overall, I am grateful for the knowledge I personally gained from the training, and for the positive impact this has had for our Chapter."

Whitney Donnelly, Lakehead: “gave me the confidence that Lakehead students can use law to improve lives”

"My name is Whitney Donnelly and I am honored to be the acting President of the Canadian Lawyers Abroad Chapter at Lakehead University. The Faculty of Law at Lakehead is in its inaugural year, so we are not only a new law school but also the newest CLA Chapter. When I was offered the opportunity to visit Ottawa for leadership training, I was thrilled to learn about this year’s theme, CSR and the extractive industry. The training connected me with students from across the country who shared their interests in social justice and international law. It also granted me the privilege to listen to distinguished speakers whose passion for social justice and CSR were inspirational and empowering. Overall, my experience provided me with the tools to bring the message of CSR back to my school and gave me confidence that Lakehead students can use law to improve lives."

Jenny Prosser, Director of Student Chapter Program

Moving forward

So there you have it. As we said, the CLA 2013 Student Chapter Leadership Training was a big success. Our chapter representatives have long since returned to their schools and have hit the ground running. We look forward to seeing the many exciting activities and events they take on in the coming year and what they do with their experiences here in Ottawa. It’s going to be a great year!


Lawyers are “pretty cool”


Student Chapter Program – 2012-2013 Year in Review