2012 Student Internship Program

Canadian Lawyers Abroad is pleased to announce its 2012 Student Internship Program! Every year, CLA partners with organizations abroad and in Canada’s north to provide Canadian law students with the opportunity to volunteer and work for organizations committed to the rule of law, human rights and democratic development.

Canadian Lawyers Abroad is pleased to announce its 2012 Student Internship Program! Every year, CLA partners with organizations abroad and in Canada’s north to provide Canadian law students with the opportunity to volunteer and work for organizations committed to the rule of law, human rights and democratic development.

This year, CLA has partnered with 10 organizations to offer a number of rewarding internship opportunities. Our internship positions are spread across the world and will provide our students with the opportunity to work on a broad array of important legal issues. These include:

  • Working to eliminate the commercial sexual exploitation of children in Bangkok, Thailand with ECPAT International.
  • Providing legal research and advocacy on land and water rights of First Nations and Tribes in the Yukon River Watershed with the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC).
  • Working on constitutional and legislative law reform focused on women’s rights in Nairobi with FIDA-Kenya
  • Working at Peace Dividend Trust in Canada’s capital to provide legal analysis on the organization’s overseas operations.
  • Representing clients on summary matters and bail hearings in the Justice of the Peace Court as an intern at the Legal Services Board of Nunavut.
  • Conducting comparative research and internal policy drafting at the Law Society of Nunavut in Iqaluit.
  • Providing research and analysis on issues relating to democracy and elections, human rights, and anti-corruption in Accra, Ghana at the Center for Democratic Development.
  • Working with the Band Manager and community Self Government team of Behdzi Ahda First Nation on the community’s proposed Self Government Agreement in Colville Lake, NWT.
  • Designing and implementing qualitative research tools and providing program monitoring and evaluation at the Asia Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Contributing to the design and content of legal outreach materials at the UNDP Justice Systems Program in Timor-Leste.
  • Developing Canadian Lawyers Abroad’s 2012-2013 Student Chapter material for its programming relating to Aboriginal law and justice in Ottawa, Canada.

More information and the internship application form can be found on CLA’s website here.

Applications are due on January 31, 2012. We welcome all law students from schools with a CLA student chapter to apply!


Another Great Year for CLA's Student Chapters


Articling: Let's get the debate started!